

Boston University Interactive Media Design (Graduate), Fall 2024

Clemson University Disinformation (Undergraduate), Spring 2024 Political Communication (Undergraduate), Fall 2023

Northwestern University Social Media Listening (Graduate), Master of Science in Communication, Summer 2023

IMSISS Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Security and Intelligence Social Media Analytics (Graduate), Spring 2023

2nd SocialComQuant Summer School on Computational Social Science Methods for analyzing and modeling textual data (Graduate), Summer 2022

Georgia State University Media, Culture and Society (Undergraduate), Spring 2020

Guest Lectures

“Digital Activism In the Middle East” in HIST 3535: Youth Culture in MENA, Dr. Golbarg Rekabtalaei, Seton Hall University

“Terrorism, Misinformation and Censorship” in DIPL6130 International Security (Masters), Dr. Joseph Huddleston, School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University

“Women’s Changing Roles in Terrorism” (undergraduate) in ATS1701 Terrorism and Political Violence (Undergraduate), Dr. Alexandra Phelan, School of Social Sciences, Monash University

“Social Movements and Communication: Case Arab Spring in the Levant” in Media Theory (Undergraduate), Meredith Pruden, Georgia State University

“Descriptive Statistics” in Speech Communication Research Methods (Undergraduate), Dr. Rasha Ramzy, Georgia State University

“Social Movements and Communication: Case Arab Spring in the Levant” in Persuasion (Undergraduate), Dr. Rasha Ramzy, Georgia State University

“Gender in the World: Case Middle East” in Psychology of Women and Gender (Undergraduate), Wojciech Kaczkowski, Georgia State University

Selected comments from teaching evaluations:

“You can tell she loved her subject”


“Engagement from start to finish, she controlled: the classroom with precision.”

“I appreciated how she seems care about everyone’s questions in that she didn’t make a lesson boring”

“How calm she is”

“She was very interested in our opinions and like sharing hers as well. Some could get to know everyone a little more than just the surface level”

“very nice and self-caring. all she wants from us is too succeed and i liked that tried her best to make sure everybody understands.”

“engaging, sincere, created curiosity for the subject”

“She works with you”

“she treated us as equal and very fair”

“Thorough, helpful”

“Clear information”

“Preparation, Polished & presentation with perfection!”

“she’s tries to get everyone involved”

“Interpersonal teaching”

“good listener”


“Highly organized, direct, open”


ching“random cool facts and enthusiasm”