Supremacist Messaging

Virtual Spaces and Encrypted Messaging:

Research on how terrorist organizations use encrypted messaging apps and virtual spaces for communication and coordination.

On the left, IS Arabic Topic Network (Lokmanoglu, 2021). Middle, network graph of ISIS religious doctrine (Lokmanoglu et al., 2022). Right, Temporal Distribution of Monetary Economic Content (Lokmanoglu, 2020).
  • Lokmanoglu, A. D., Winkler, C. K., Al Mahmoud, M., McMinimy, K., & Kountz, K. (2022). Textual Messaging of ISIS’s al-Naba and the Context Drivers That Correspond to Strategic Changes. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–25. Link

  • Lokmanoglu, A. D. (2021). Imagined Economics: An Analysis of Non-state Actor Economic Messaging [Georgia State University]. Link

  • Lokmanoglu, A. D. (2020). Coin as Imagined Sovereignty: A Rhetorical Analysis of Coins as a Transhistorical Artifact and an Ideograph in Islamic State’s Communication. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 44(1), 1–22. Link

  • Bloom, M., & Lokmanoglu, A. D. (2020). Conducting Field Work in a Virtual Space, Exploring ISIS’ Encrypted Messaging on Telegram. In P. Krause & O. Szekely (Eds.), Stories from the Field A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science. Columbia University Press. Link

Gender and Terrorism:

Examination of the changing roles and agency of women in terrorist organizations.

Topic Predominance Across Datasets (Veilleux-Lepage et al., 2022).
  • Ophir, Y., Pruden, M. L., Walter, D., Lokmanoglu, A. D., Tebaldi, C., & Wang, R. (2022). Weaponizing reproductive rights: A mixed-method analysis of White nationalists’ discussion of abortions online. Information, Communication & Society, 1–26. Link

  • Veilleux-Lepage, Y., Phelan, A., & Lokmanoglu, A. D. (2022). Gendered Radicalisation and ‘Everyday Practices’: An Analysis of Extreme Right and Islamic State Women-Only Forums. European Journal of International Security, 1–16. Link

  • Bloom, M., & Lokmanoglu, A. D. (2020). From Pawn to Knights: The Changing Role of Women’s Agency in Terrorism? Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–16. Link

  • Lokmanoglu, A., & Veilleux-Lepage, Y. (2020). Hatred She Wrote: A Comparative Topic Analysis of Extreme Right and Islamic State Women-Only Forums. In D. M.D. Silva & M. Deflem (Eds.), Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization (Vol. 25, pp. 183–205). Emerald Publishing Limited. Link

Media Strategies:

Analysis of how terrorist organizations use media, including social media, to propagate their ideologies and recruit members.

Smoothed loess militancy variables over Al Naba issues (McMinimy et al., 2021).
  • Lokmanoglu, A. D., Winkler, C. K., McMinimy, K., & Almahmoud, M. (2022). ISIS Media and Troop Withdrawal Announcements: Visualizing Community and Resilience. International Journal of Communication, 16, Article 0. Link

  • McMinimy, K., Winkler, C. K., Lokmanoglu, A. D., & Almahmoud, M. (2021). Censoring Extremism: Influence of Online Restriction on Official Media Products of ISIS. Terrorism and Political Violence, 0(0), 1–17. Link

  • Kaczkowski, W., Lokmanoglu, A. D., & Winkler, C. (2019). Definitions matter: A comparison of the global terrorism database and the U.S. governmental reports of terrorist incidents in Western Europe, 2002-2016. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 1–18. Link